A cousin who takes time out of her own very busy life to pray for mine...
A friend who ignores the fact that I haven't called or emailed her for almost a year, and just keeps on doing the hard work of being a friend and contacting me despite my self-destruction...
A brother who texts out of the blue to see if I need any shopping done so I don't have to spend my precious time home doing errands (a brother who hates shopping maybe even more than I do)...
A boss who offers me a nicer apartment if I want, and buys lunch, and then takes me to the store to buy me a new TV (or whatever I want instead)...
A co-worker who, with a wink and a smile, changed the time on our time-punch machine so I am not always a minute late...
A Mom who is always praying for me...
Forgiveness and peace that comes creeping about my angry, hurt heart when I have almost given up...
Everywhere, there is grace. Even here. Even today. He has charged the earth with His beauty. Dear, kind God. How shall I give Him thanks? With all my heart and life and breath, I will say that He is Good.